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Good morning, y’all. It turned cold, but without precipitation, so we’re ahead of the game. Folks up in Virginia and West Virginia got a bunch of the white stuff, which I’m sure was shocking for the middle of April. We just got a lot of cold wind that made it

Zero Dark Thirty

Good morning, y’all. Windy and blustery with the promise of freezing temperatures tonight. I shouldn’t complain too much, folks to the North of us got up to five inches of snow. I bet their sinuses are doing flip flops with the dry seventy degree temps followed by snowfall. I don’t

The Road

Good morning, y’all. Well, we were deluged by rains that apparently snuck up from behind on the Whiz O Meter. I’m guessing the rains were of the variety that can’t be seen by the monitors of the Whiz O Meter. You know, the monitors whose vantage point is buried deep

Rusty And Diane

Good morning, y’all. Well, thanks to massive overdoses of Tussin DM and Hall’s Mentho-lyptus cough drops, I’m back amongst the living. At some point this pollen thing is going to die down and life will return to normal. The question is, when? I don’t know how to connect global warming

Get On Up

Good morning, y’all. The weather is a little better, as is the coughing and hacking that has become my existence. We had a few hours of high winds, the blowing variety, not the tornadic variety. I understand some folks lost power due to the lines blowing down. I understand that

My Cross To Bear

Good morning, y’all. The rains yesterday have produced a more conducive environment for those of us with lungs. While pollen time is not over, perhaps we’ll have a couple of days of rainfall to take care of the rest of it. Since last night’s storm I find that I’m down

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