Monthly Archives: February 2016


Good morning, y’all. Call it the luck of the Irish to have the prettiest weekend we’ve had in a while, and me down with a major head cold. I’m guessing it’s the bi-annual allergies, into a head cold, into a sinus infection into a Doctor’s visit. It’s amazing how something

I Am Redeemed

Good morning, y’all. Cold and windy and snowflakes all around us. Even though the Whiz O Meter is calling it a “9”, I’m going with a “12”. I know the weather “charter/predictor” only goes to an “11”, but I think I’m going to add a point for my emotional feelings.


Good morning, y’all. High winds and the threat of tornadoes has kept me awake all night. Sometimes it’s just better to watch the radar map and see what’s coming at you rather than listen to the weather people drone on and on. I’m also untrustworthy of all of these Channel


Good morning, y’all. Lots of rain, but no flooding, and that’s the best you can hope for I guess. It seems like the Channel 11 news people are wanting to predict doom and gloom of the high wind variety. I guess we’re sliding past the doom and gloom due to


Good morning, y’all. The rains are upon us, but they are gentle and not frozen. It’s good to look for the silver lining when you can. I do not aspire to be a PollyAnna, but I do try to keep a positive attitude. No one likes a crotchety old man,

The Help

Good morning, y’all. Beautiful day here in the mountains. Looks like the weather will change on Sunday, though. The rains are moving back in for a few days. My tracking of the world famous Whiz O Meter and its machinations continues. Today was evaluated as a “9”, even though the

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