Cognitive Dissonance

BudLiteGood morning, y’all. Rains and high winds are bad for mobile homes, but good for allergy sufferers. I was so glad to be able to go out and pull weeds today without needing to be hospitalized as a result of the effort. I know folks over in Hall county aren’t happy about the wind damage they received, but, like the saying goes, “it’s an ill wind that blows nobody any good”. I’m happy to have the pollen out of here, and sorry that some trailers got blown over.

While I mull over the thought of being happy and sad about the same event, I think of politicians who must get caught all of the time with issues that might bring a mixture of feelings. Of course politicians have a political party to tell them how to respond to all topics so they don’t get confused by their own feelings. I’m thinking that part of the attraction for The Donald is his lack of a party filter to clean up his language before it airs to the public. I know we all are tired of hearing the same tried and true party answers. Maybe that’s why outsiders like The Cruz and The Donald are leading on the Republican side. They speak directly to their lunatic fringe with no political double speak.

Just for grins, I was looking at some Trump quotes to prove my point. Thank you Google for your ease of use. Right off the top I found a doozy: “One of the key problems today is that politics is such a disgrace, good people don’t go into government.” The Donald forgot to add, “that’s why I’m throwing my hat in the ring”. Not to be outdone, The Cruz comes back with, “Twenty years from now if there is some obscure trivial pursuit question, I am confident I will be the answer.”  I’m not sure that one can be convinced that one will be the President, and, the answer to an obscure future trivial pursuit question. Seems like if you really thought you were going to win, it would not lead to obscurity. I think it’s called cognitive dissonance.

The Donald let a little bit of his dissonance slip through in this famous quote: “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending the best. They’re not sending you, they’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bring crime. They’re rapists… And some, I assume, are good people.”  “And some I assume are good people”, kind of explains the opposition of thoughts in Trump’s brain that he can’t reconcile, and yet, feels compelled to pontificate about.

Not to be outdone by saying things that he doesn’t really have resolved in his brain, The Cruz is remembered as giving one of his Evangelical motivated prophesies of doom and gloom and being called to task by a little girl in the audience. The little girl had responded audibly to Cruz’s assertion that the “world was on fire”. “The world’s on fire? “, the little girl asked, and The Cruz responded, “Yes! Your World is on Fire!”.  The Cruz then had to spend some time backtracking the statement by telling the little girl her parents would protect her. By voting for Cruz, I surmise.

I’m thinking that women are going to play a large part in electing our next President. I’m not saying that because I believe that all women are going to vote for Hillary in a tsunami of gender solidarity. I’m saying that because there is such a great paper trail for women to familiarize themselves with to let them know how the candidates really feel about women. The Donald says, “Nobody respects women more than I do.” which is a great quote to match up with,“You know, it really doesn’t matter what the media write as long as you’ve got a young, and beautiful, piece of ass.” Let’s all be honest here, isn’t it the height of respect being called “a young, and beautiful, piece of ass?”

I guess if The Donald doesn’t mind having his daughters evaluated by their looks and sexual proclivities, there’s no dissonance.



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