Lyin’ Ted

BudLiteGood morning, y’all. Still a misty kind of bleh day here in the mountains. I appreciate the fact that it’s not cold, though. I can have my morning coffee on the patio and not feel so cooped in. It’s a nice time of quiet before the sound of unmufflered cars and trucks announce the beginning of another day. I watch the folks pulling away from their respective mobile homes, headed for who knows where, and then I head over to the Rec room to begin my day.

Walking through the main room this morning I caught an interesting story on the big screen in the main room. All of the weekly shows were carrying it, so it must be true. It seems like the Enquirer has accused The Cruz with having at least five different affairs while married to current wife Heidi. Now, I don’t have the time span of the alleged affairs, but they have to have occurred since 2001 to qualify as adultery. I’ll have to get Mulva’s copy of The Enquirer when I get back to Number Two and read up on the story. It’s supposed to be in this week’s version, so I know we must have it on hand. Mulva likes to stay current in her reading.

Anyway, I am not aghast that The Cruz would feel like his staff members were supposed to handle every job he handed them, not matter how odious. I am aghast that there were five members of the female sex willing to allow his advances, six if you count his wife. Honestly, if you put The Cruz on one pedestal and Jabba the Hut on another pedestal, I could see women flocking to Jabba as their first choice. There is something so slimy and smarmy about The Cruz that I can’t imagine that the more sensitive sex doesn’t pick up on it at first sight. I can only imagine that the five alleged trysts had a high dollar amount attached to them.  I’m not putting the women down for charging, it’s the right thing to do. After all I don’t expect the fellow to clean TackyToo’s septic tanks for free. Nobody is that charming, not even me.

Where the story has a bit of a twist is that the head honcho at the Enquirer is supposed to be an old buddy of The Donald. Would The Donald have a friend print a salacious story about an opponent to gain an advantage? Of course. So far I’ve not seen anything that The Donald wouldn’t do in his quest to call the White House, “Trump at 1600”. If there is any truth to the rumors, and only one of the alleged mistresses comes forward and admits the affair, it’s game over. There’s only so much extracurricular sexual activity that the Evangelicals will tolerate before switching their allegiances. Look at the Duggars, and they’re cute.

To be honest, I worry less about The Cruz’s frailties as a human than I do his belief that he is the anointed one from God. I knew he was a big Bible thumper, but when I heard his speech after the Iowa caucus stating that the polls weren’t going to determine who the next President was going to be, that God was, I started taking notice of his words more. It’s one thing for The Donald to say every mean, hateful xenophobic thing he can to gin up his base, it’s another to think that God is talking directly to you. The fact that Cruz’s dad is out on the Evangelical circuit preaching that his son is the “anointed one” and that the righteous are poised to take back the wealth of the country to give to the priests is past scary to me. It is almost a call to revolution. Honestly.

The Repubs are giving us an interesting choice. One candidate who thinks he’s God, and another who hears God’s voice. Now, I’d be the first one to say that what a father says does not necessarily correspond to what the son thinks. But if your Dad doesn’t espouse your values, you don’t get him to campaign for you. Give a listen to the clip below and see if it doesn’t give you a chill.

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