Reservoir Dawgs

Good morning, y’all. Another rainy night in Georgia, but it looks like the tornadoes will go well North of us. Folks in Virginia and further North are due to get a heavy soaking. Years ago we passed up an opportunity on a RV park located in the Nantahala basin. Monsoon rains running down the mountains to an existing river didn’t seem like a good investment idea. I wonder how they’re doing tonight. 

Well, it’s dry as a meal worm in a bag of Martha White’s Finest here in the rec room, perfect for a Corona free movie night. Since Mulva’s horrific choice of “Hope Floats”, I’ve gotten to do more of the picking of our movie night movies. Tonight I chose “Reservoir Dogs”, directed by Quentin Tarantino. I was looking for a “Dawg” theme to help keep up the mojo from Georgia’s G-Day a couple of weeks ago. We look to be world beaters this year barring injury or arrest for driving while stupid.

In deference to Mulva’s distaste for violence I could have chosen, “Turner and Hooch” ,”Beethoven” or even “Marley and Me”. Let’s face it, even the courage of the dogs in “Eight Below” are no match for the gritty, over the top mayhem created by just one “Reservoir Dog”, not to mention the pack. I helped Mulva hold her hands over her eyes at the scary parts, just like I had done for my little brother when we watched horror movies at the old Bijou theater in Blairsville. Of course with other folks, it’s sometimes hard to judge what they will think is scary. With Mulva it’s the sight of blood, knives, ropes, or looks of malice. Mulva didn’t actually “see” a lot of the movie.

It is truly a shame that some folks can’t appreciate the genius of Tarantino due to a weak stomach or a fear of weaponry. I did observe that Mulva was able to appreciate the sound track, though. I explained to her that that was one of the hallmarks of a Tarantino film, a fantastic soundtrack. To me, his song selection is always spot on, even when you have to think a little bit about the choice. “Stuck In The Middle With You”, seems a little cheery for the torture scene, but it matches the frantic energy of Mr. Blonde as he goes about his work.

The fact that “Reservoir Dogs” is Tarantino’s debut as a director, author and actor is amazing. To go from renting movies to making them has to be one of the greatest achievements in Hollywood, and, it all started with Reservoir Dogs. Tarantino was able to attract some big names to the movie in spite of the small budget. Big time stars Harvey Keitel, Tim Roth,  Steve Buscemi, Chris Penn, Lawrence Tierney, and Michael Madsen, grace the screen in performances that were Oscar worthy, in my opinion. The folks in Hollywood didn’t think so, unfortunately, and “Reservoir Dogs” received few awards. What it did receive in abundance was public approval and praise from the critics.

Some times, “less is more”, and films made without a big budget can be the best movies. Tarantino was so convinced he had a winner that he was going to shoot the film in black and white to get it made. His belief in his film showed a courage and dedication that few people can muster.

So, my dedication of “Reservoir Dogs” to my Dawgs, is in the hope that they can mimic the courage and dedication of Tarantino, and the mayhem of the thieves. GO DAWGS!

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